‘ZAB Entrepreneurial Week: Role Play Activity – Logic and Critical Thinking

Visit to Entrepreneurial Business Startup – BIZ B

Visit to Entrepreneurial Business Startup – BIZ B The Department of “Management Sciences” organized an entrepreneurial safari educational trip on 5th January 2024 for the students of MBA and EMBA […]

Innovation Gala – BBA Experiential Learning Activity

Innovation Gala - BBA Experiential Learning Activity Department of Management Sciences in collaboration with SZABIST Administration organized Sales Gala on 06th Jan, 2024. Students of BBA (Marketing / Supply Chain […]

Highlights – MBA / MS Panel Discussion

Highlights - MBA / MS Panel Discussion On January 24, 2024, SZABIST University Islamabad hosted a dynamic MBA Panel Discussion, skillfully moderated by Ms. Saba Butt. Panelists, Professor Dr. Shazia […]

World Education Summit

World Education Summit Dr. Sanaullah Ansari, Assistant Professor, represented SZABIST Islamabad in the 28th World Education Summit which was held in Dubai, UAE from 5 to 6 February 2024. The […]