Executive Development Center (EDC)


EDC at SZABIST contributes towards developing business, social, legal, media, life sciences, information technology and engineering graduates, geared towards becoming the leaders of tomorrow

Welcome to SZABIST Executive Development Center

The Executive Development Center (EDC) at SZABIST contributes towards developing business, social, legal, media, life sciences, information technology and engineering graduates, geared towards becoming the leaders of tomorrow. The department facilitates SZABIST students and alumni in all their academic and professional ventures to help them climb the ladder of career success.

EDC facilitates graduates in their quest for viable career options. It ensures students have timely access to information on latest jobs and internship opportunities, acting as a liaison between them and the corporate world by inviting the most coveted companies for on-campus recruitment drives, employer-branding sessions, and the annual ‘Career Fair’. EDC publishes the annual ‘Graduate Directory’ in order to enhance students’ networking, and provides coaching enabling them to shine in employee assessments including job interviews.

EDC helps SZABIST alumni maintain their link with their alma mater, providing a platform to facilitate and streamline interaction amongst SZABIST recent and past graduates by building mutually beneficial networks. The latest initiative in this regard is the launch of an alumni association, the SZABIST Alumni Global Association (SAGA).

How SZABIST helps you in Career Development

At SZABIST Executive Development Centre (EDC) our mission is to advance the employability and career prospects of students and Alumni. We focus on the capacity building of students through skill development needed for the job market in their relevant fields.

EDC Mission
EDC Objectives
EDC Functions
EDC Procedures

What can you expect?

As a student with the SZABIST you can expect careers education and employability enhancement based on

Your career stage

You may be at the early stages of your career (Career Starter), or you may be progressing your career (Career Development) or you may be looking to change your career direction (Career Changer). We offer tailored career resources, workshops, professional development trainings, mock interviews, career counseling, summer courses, trainings, coaching sessions, alumni reunion and Job Fair to build your specific career stage and provide opportunities for you to network with peers from different career stages.

Where are you based?

As a SZABIST student you are part of a global community, which engages with range of regional, national and international labour markets. We provide jobs, internships and experiential learning to train the students as per market demand.

What are you studying?

Apart from key career education, you also provided and guided about career information and events always tailored to your academic program of study.

EDC Mechanism at SZABIST

SZABIST was established with the aim to impart quality education to national and international students enabling them to become an effective integral part of the society. Over the years SZABIST has rigorously adapted different ways to improve its education imparting abilities and bringing the best out from the available resources. Keeping itself abreast with the demands of the national and international market, SZABIST has actively participated in the latest education improvement framework introduced by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to improve the quality of its programs and building a repute of its own. QEC focus on achieving quality assurance in the following areas:
1. Academic Quality Assurance
2. Support Functions Quality Assurance

Academic Quality Assurance
The academic quality assurance focuses on achieving the desired outcomes of academic programs through a well-defined education system comprised of program development, execution, review, and improvement cycle.

Support Functions Quality Assurance
SZABIST Islamabad has taken a step further towards achieving operational excellence by the implementation of a quality assurance mechanism for support departments. Support department operations are evaluated once a year through an internal quality audit. During the audit, departmental level adherence to policies and procedures is evaluated and areas of improvement are identified are worked upon.

Curriculum Review

Curriculum reviews are conducted to ensure the suitability of programs as per the requirements of HEC and present market needs. This is done through the following mechanism:
a. Cluster Heads
b. Curriculum Review Committee
c. Board of Studies (BOS)
d. Board of Faculties (BOF)
e. Academic Council (AC)
Cluster heads, curriculum review committee and Board of Studies provide feedback on curriculum which is then reviewed in Board of Faculty and Academic Council meetings.

Outcome-Based Learning

As per institutional policy, each department is required to assess its progress against defined learning outcomes for the program.
At the end of each semester, academic departments ensure the maintenance of Course Files/Folders for each course taught during the semester through faculty members.
Faculty members are required to generate a Faculty Course Assessment Report (FCAR) at the end of each semester. This report reflects the level of achievement with respect to defined learning outcomes for each taught course.

Research Evaluation

SZABIST Islamabad undertakes the research activity at the core of its academic development and monitors this through:
• Doctoral Committee (DC)
• Board of Advanced Studies and Research (BASR)
• Academic Council (AC)
Research activity is carried out as per defined policies that are set out in line with HEC policies for the award of Ph.D/Research-based degrees.

Faculty and Course Assessment

SZABIST Islamabad regularly conducts the faculty and course assessment to ensure the efficiency of teaching methodology and effectiveness of course contents. Faculty assessment is done through a transparent mechanism performed against 5 defined parameters.
Faculty assessment is also done by students during the semester to evaluate how a faculty member is performing with respect to course contents delivery.
Course assessment is carried out at different intervals during the semester by students to provide their feedback on the course-related areas.

Campus Progress Review (CPR)

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Events And Conferences

Our Team


Manager EDC


Assistant Manager EDC


Assistant EDC