Abstract Submission


SMRC 2024

Technological Influence on Journalism, Arts and Visual Storytelling


Media Revolution - Technological Influence on Journalism, Arts, and Visual Storytelling

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the convergence of media and communication with cutting-edge innovations has given rise to unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The “Media Revolution” conference serves as a pivotal platform to delve into the transformative power of technology and its profound impact on the realms of journalism, arts, and visual storytelling.

Context: The digital age has ushered in a paradigm shift in how information is disseminated, narratives are shaped, and stories are told. From the advent of AI-driven journalism to the proliferation of social media platforms, the media landscape is undergoing a seismic transformation. This conference seeks to explore the multifaceted dimensions of this evolution, dissecting its implications and charting a course for the future.


Location: Street # 09, Plot # 67 Sector H-8/4, Islamabad, Pakistan


Abstract Submission Deadline: April 20, 2024

Abstract Acceptance Notification : April 24, 2024

Full Paper Submission: April 26, 2024

Registration Fee For Students : 2500 Rupees

Registration Fee For Faculty: 3000 Rupees


Share Groundbreaking Research

The conference aims to facilitate insightful conversations among participants from diverse backgrounds, including scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and technologists.

Foster Insightful Conversations

The conference aims to facilitate insightful conversations among participants from diverse backgrounds, including scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and technologists

Envision the Future of Media

By envisioning the future of media, participants will collectively explore how technology and storytelling can converge to create a richer, more connected world.

Address Key Themes

The conference will address major themes such as the role of media in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, technological advancements and their impact on media, combating misinformation and fake news, and the rise of AI in visual storytelling.

Who Should Attend Conference

Corporate Leaders ​

Government Officials ​

Technology Innovators ​

Nonprofit & Social Impact Leaders ​


Academics ​

University Students ​

Early And Mid-Career Professionals

Why Attend The Conference

Attendees are encouraged to participate in this conference to delve into the forefront of media innovation. Through dynamic discussions, workshops, and networking, they gain invaluable insights into the transformative impact of technology on journalism, arts, visual storytelling, and science communication. Engaging with industry leaders and experts, participants will be inspired by visionary ideas and equipped with practical skills to navigate the evolving media landscape. Moreover, by contributing to crucial dialogues on achieving Sustainable Development Goals and combating misinformation, they become agents of positive change, shaping the future of media for a more connected and informed world.

Key Themes

Our Speakers