Seminar on Strategy Formulation

October 24, 2022
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Seminar on Strategy Formulation

Seminar on Strategy Formulation

To be successful in a world of rapid and turbulent change, MBA graduates need to have real-
world application in their studies through experiential learning. Real-world application allows a
better grasp of concepts, theories, models, strategies and processes which may not be as easy for
the business students in traditional type of lecture based learning.

Taking the real-world application as a need of time Dr. Iffat Rasool Associate Professor and Ms
Saima Saleem Lecturer at Department of Management Sciences organized the seminar on the
topic of “Strategy Formulation” for the students of MBA (36) Eve -2  / MBA (72) Eve – 4 and
MBA (72) Eve -1 on Monday 24 th October, 2022.

The speaker Mr. Muhammad Younus Awan, Territory Manager Marketing at Shaukat
Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre shed the light on the process of strategy
formulation in the real world organizations. He further described the process that brings
education and personal development together with workplace experience.



October 24, 2022
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