
🌐Objectives- Details:

A comprehensive elaboration of each objective is provided below;
1. Identify and Address Industry Challenges Practically:

  • This objective aims to actively engage students in identifying real-world challenges faced by industries and developing practical solutions to address them.
  • Students will gain firsthand experience in understanding the complexities of industry operations, identifying pain points, and applying theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems.
  • Through case studies, industrial partnerships, and experiential learning opportunities, students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation skills essential for success in the corporate world.

2. Expose Students to Applied Research Problems and Solutions:

  • This objective focuses on exposing students to applied research problems relevant to industries and providing them with opportunities to develop and implement solutions.
  • Students will engage in research projects that address pressing issues faced by industries, allowing them to apply theoretical concepts in real-world contexts.
  • By working on applied research projects, students will develop research skills, data analysis techniques, and the ability to translate research findings into actionable insights for industrial stakeholders.

3. Enhance Faculty Research Impact through Industry-Led Research Endeavors:

  • This objective aims to enhance the impact of faculty research by fostering collaborations with industry partners and addressing their research needs.
  • Faculty members will collaborate with industry stakeholders to identify research opportunities, co-design research projects, and disseminate research findings that address industry challenges.
  • Through industry-led research endeavors, faculty members will contribute to the advancement of knowledge, enhance their research profiles, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields.

4. Attract Corporate Consultancies for Industry Problem-Solving:

  • This objective seeks to attract corporate consultancies by positioning the institution as a trusted partner for solving industry challenges.
  • The institution will leverage its expertise, resources, and faculty research capabilities to offer consultancy services tailored to the specific needs of industry clients.
  • By delivering tangible results and value-added solutions, the institution will establish long-term partnerships with corporate clients, further enhancing its reputation and revenue streams.

5. Attract and Draw Research Findings for Mainstream Research Initiatives:

  • This objective aims to attract research funding from government agencies, industrial sponsors, and philanthropic organizations to support mainstream research initiatives.
  • The institution will identify priority areas for research funding based on industry trends, societal needs, and academic strengths, aligning research proposals with funding opportunities.
  • By securing external research funding, the institution will enhance its research infrastructure, support graduate student training, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in key areas of research.

6. Channelize Research towards Patent-Driven Industry Solutions:

  • This objective focuses on channelizing research efforts towards developing patent- driven solutions that address industry needs and create commercial value.
  • Faculty members and students will collaborate on research projects with potential for patentable innovations, leveraging intellectual property rights to drive industry partnerships and technology transfer.
  • By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, the institution will facilitate the translation of research discoveries into marketable products and services, generating economic impact and societal benefits.

Overall, these objectives aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, foster innovation and collaboration, and create mutually beneficial partnerships that drive research excellence and industry growth.

Structure of IARC- A trail map of Research

Important dates to Remember:
Synopsis Development: 10th May, 2024
Panel Discussion: 13th – 25th May, 2024
Final Deliverable: 31st July, 2024