
  • Case Study (2012) "General Motors does a 360" Strategies Case studies by Gary Stockport- Australia.Vol 1 Edition.

  • International Conferences
  • • Hussain S, & Bano T (2021) The Effect of Social Media Elements i.e. Electronic Word of Mouth (eWom), Customization and Interaction on Consumer Brand Engagement with a moderating role of Consumer Buying Experience. November 15-16, 2021. Research Paper was presented in PAKSOM 2021, 3rd Virtual International Conference “Path to a Knowledge Society- Managing risks and innovation. Turkey

  • Hussain, S, Zeb, S .& Bilal, A & (2019)Systemic Risk Drivers of banks, financial services, and Insurance firms Presented at 2nd International Conference of Business and Management Sciences, Maltepe University, Turkey

  • International Journals
  • A.Chaudhary., Bashir & S. Hussain. (2017).Impact of Print Advertising on Brand Image and Consumer Buying Behaviour . Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research.Vol 41, 01-14"

  • Zeb, S., Hussain, S, & Javed, A. (2021). COVID 19 a way forward for restaurants and street food vendors Cogent Business and Management, 8(1),1923359