
    International Conferences
  • Abdul Ghafoor, K. & Akhtar, M. (2024, November, 23-26). Personality, Financial Services Knowledge and Use of Fintech Services Among Working Women: Does Artificial Intelligence Matter? [Paper presentation], "Entrepreneurship for Sustainability & Impact: Redefining Business in the Era of AI Revolution" (ESI) 7th International Conference, Qatar University Qatar.

  • Abdul Ghafoor, K. & Akhtar, M. (2024, April, 29-30). Personality or financial knowledge which is more influential in cryptocurrency investment among university students [Paper presentation], 6th Conference of faculty of economics and administration 2024, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, KSA.

  • International Journals
  • Abdul Ghafoor, K. & Akhtar, M. (2024). Parents’ financial socialization or socioeconomic characteristics: which has more influence on Gen-Z’s financial wellbeing? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-16. “H-Index 21” Scopus journal.

  • Akhtar, M., Salman, A., Ghafoor, K. A., & Kamran, M. (2024). Artificial intelligence, financial services knowledge, government support, and user innovativeness: Exploring the moderated-mediated path to fintech adoption. Heliyon, 10(21). H-Index- Scopus journal.

  • National Conferences
  • Abdul Ghafoor, K. & Akhtar, M. (2024 April, 22). The Triad of investment orientation perceived parents’ Behavior, and wellbeing: An Insight from emerging adults [Paper presentation], 4th International Conference on Business, Management and Social Sciences 2024, [Paper presentation] NUST, Islamabad 2024.

  • Abdul Ghafoor, K. & Akhtar, M. (2023, May, 26-27). The Gender Divide in Cryptocurrency Investment: Exploring the Link Between Financial Knowledge and Parental Financial Socialization [Paper presentation], IBA-SBS conference 2023, Karachi, Pakistan.

  • Abdul Ghafoor, K. & Akhtar, M, (2023, March, 8-9). Financial wellbeing of emerging adults through parental financial socialization: A Qualitative Approach [Paper presentation], 10th CIBRC 2023, CUST Islamabad, Pakistan

  • Malik, A, Akhtar, M, & Abdul Ghafoor, K, (2023, March, 18-19). Challenges, Opportunities, and Crises: The Impact of Pandemic on the Hospitality Sector of Pakistan [Paper co-author], 4th ICBM 2023, Lahore, Pakistan