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Many organizations are inundated with data but lack the ability to derive meaningful insights. Without understanding or effectively communicating data’s significance, this abundance of information becomes futile. For the majority of business professionals who aren’t specialized in data visualization, this course offers a solution. Explore the fundamentals of data visualization with a focus on facilitating informed and intelligent discussions about data within your organization. Topics covered include the role of data visualization in communication and persuasion, optimal use of color in charts, how visualization expedites insight generation, and the advantages and disadvantages of various chart types. By mastering the ability to interpret, understand, and leverage the value of charts and dashboards, you’ll develop graphic literacy essential for success in today’s data-driven environment.

What will you learn?

  1. Develop the ability to effectively communicate and persuade using data visualizations.
  2. Gain proficiency in utilizing color strategically to enhance the impact of charts and visual representations.
  3. Acquire techniques to expedite insight generation by selecting and creating the most appropriate visualizations.
  4. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various chart types to make informed decisions when presenting data.
  • Early to Mid